Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thoughts on the Relationship of Abortion to Slavery

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court case decision that in 1973 made abortion legal. As I contemplated what to write about slavery or trafficking today I kept coming back to the thought that an unborn baby whose mother is choosing abortion is a lot like a slave. The child is innocent and helpless, caught in a situation not of it's own making, it's life in someone elses hands and considered disposable. The largest difference being of course that at least at this point in America the child does not bring financial gain to it's mother or those who may be trying to influence or control her decision. That's not to say that in a future America a child might be conceived purely for financial gain through the sale of tissue or organs.

As a Christian who believes that human life is made in the image of God I feel challenged to be deeply saddened any time someone tries to cheapen or redefine the worth and equality of another human's life whether they be a baby at 15 weeks gestation, a 12 year old caught in sex trafficking or a 40 year old man caught in slavery in the rainforest

Below are links to several groups that work with women in difficult situations.

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