Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ten things to do if you Want to Help Stop Trafficking

Here's my top ten list for things to do if you are serious about being a part of the solution to trafficking. This is a list I'm working through myself.
1. Check out web sites and blogs on Slavery and Trafficking.
2. Watch the videos and slide shows on the sites or on U-tube. A picture is really worth a thousand words.
3. Read a good book or two on trafficking - check out the reading list in the side bar.
4. If you live near a major university see if they are going to sponsor any conferences on trafficking.  Conferences are wonderful ways to get a lot of information in a short time.
5. Connect with others in your area who are interested in trafficking by typing trafficking and your city into a google search. You are likely to find groups and churches that will have already created their own lists of resources.
6. Meet with those of like interest in your church to share information and resources.
7. Present your collected information to the leadership of your church - they might be interested in becoming actively involved as a church.
8. Pick a few ministries that are working in trafficking to support with your dollars. 
9. Come up with some creative ways to raise funds. Our church is doing an improv night this week to raise money for a group in India we have partnered with.  
10. Connect with a ministry that works in an aspect of trafficking that especially tugs on your heart and pray specifically for their needs and the needs of the people they rescue. 


  1. Have you read "Enslaved"? Have you considered adding it to the reading list that you have? I though that, while quite explicit and clearly for a mature audience, it was really engaging and informative.

  2. I have read Enslaved and agree with you. It is pretty explicit though, definitely hard to read in places because of that and written w/ a world view that is coming from a different direction.
