Sunday, January 18, 2009

Slavery in the United States - Domestic Slavery

When I first got interested in researching slavery and trafficking I had no idea that slavery (apart from sex trafficking) is still an ongoing issue in the US. I had read a few newspaper reports of young women who had been trafficked into the US by relatives or others as domestic slaves, but did not realize the scope of the problem and that it is believed to be even more wide spread than the data suggests. 

In the US domestic slavery is usually found in impoverished immigrant populations. The Justice Department estimates that over 4700 people  (usually young women and girls) a year are trafficked into the US to serve as domestic slaves. Remember these are per year numbers not the total found in the US. We don't really know how many are perpetually trapped here in domestic servitude. Many of these girls and young women have been lured here with the promise of good jobs, education and money to send home. A high percentage of those trafficked for domestic slavery also end up being sexually abused. The stories that girls and women who have fled their captors have told are harrowing. Below are several stories of domestic slavery.

What can we do?

1. Keep your eyes opened. Many times in domestic slavery trials there are witnesses that saw something strange going on but didn't report it.

2. Support awareness education for school, medical and law enforsement personnel that may come in contact with victims.

3. Be dangerous with your prayers. Pray that evil things done in secret in your community would be revealed in public.


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