Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Child Slavery

When I started researching slavery one thing I quickly noticed was that many of those enslaved are children. All over the world children are trapped in the most dire of circumstances, taken advantage of due to their inability to defend themselves. Hideous unspeakable crimes are committed against these defenseless little ones and the world is just beginning to wake up to the scope and depth of their pain.

 In India and Pakistan children as young as five are taken from their poor, illiterate parents and through either out right kidnapping or subterfuge they are moved hundreds of miles away to work up to 15 hours a day at rug looms weaving wool oriental carpets. Many times the children are fed once a day and sleep under their looms. As time goes on these children suffer from wool dust in their lungs, on their skin and in their eyes as well as malnutrition. They are often beaten for mistakes.  

 In India, Thailand and other Asian countries girls as young as ten are kidnapped or sold by their parents into a sex trade market that uses religious ideas along with violence and economic pressure to keep girls in the trade, . Many of these children are made to "service" multiple customers a night. When they either become HIV positive or become too old many are then literally discarded like rubbish on the streets, others become the madams and slave owners of the next generation.

Many other countries turn a blind year to child slavery in cotton production, the garment industry, mining, cocoa, farming, domestic service, fishing and even soccer ball production.






  1. There was an excellent story in a recent "Utne Reader" about the slave trade in Haiti. Utne sources from other magazines; I can't remember what the original source was. Such a shame - I can't understand how/why these things go on. Thanks for your work here, Shery.

  2. Shery,

    Congrats on your new blog, which I'm subscribing to. You're doing a great job bringing awareness about the pandemic of child slavery. I look forward to reading your posts and learning from you.

    Diana Scimone
    Born to Fly International, Inc.
    Stopping child trafficking...setting kids free to soar
    www.dianascimone.com (blog)
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/DianaScimone

  3. Thanks for a great posting. Your research and reading is really helpful to others. Coming to grips with the size of modern slavery can leave people feeling overwhelmed. But there's an interesting paradox about the 27 million slaves in the world - yes, it is a huge number, the largest ever in human history, but it is also the smallest fraction of the human population to ever be in slavery. Likewise, the amount of money slaves pump into the world economy is big, around $50 billion a year, but it is also the smallest fraction of the global economy to ever be represented by slave labor.

    The truth is that slavery has been pushed to the edge of its own extinction and working together we can tip it over the brink. Thanks for listing our website - www.freetheslaves.net - and my book on how we can bring slavery to an end in 25 years (Ending Slavery: How We Free Today's Slaves).

    All best wishes and Bless Your Heart!,
    Kevin Bales
