Sunday, June 14, 2009

An interesting idea

I went to a meeting this evening at Kings Park Church in Durham. It was an information meeting about a new organization called Stop Child Trafficking Now. It is an interesting concept to create a private nonprofit organization to fund putting together cases against the men/women on the demand side of child trafficking by using retired special ops guys from the Navy Seals, Marines and Army Special Forces to build cases concentrating in the US but also internationally.

Most of the organizations out there are battling child trafficking by rescuing the children and then providing care and training. As good and necessary as this is it rarely deals with the customers who create the demand. The statistics on child trafficking relate that many of these children are required to "service" between 25 to 50 men a night. That is 25 to 50 men who will go on to molest and rape (let's call is what it really is) on average over 200 children in their lifetime. Remember that the average age of girls being trafficked for the first time is 13.

If you'd like more information about the Stop Child Trafficking Now campaign they have created a very well done web site

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