Monday, March 2, 2009

Making a Difference

I've been thinking lately about how many times we discount our ability to make a difference in the world. Somehow we think it takes some kind of special person (which we have disqualified ourselves as being) to make a difference.

There are many "ordinary" people making an impact on trafficking. There are the people who have decided to spend a bit more and buy products they know are fairly traded even if it means cutting their budgets in other places, there are others who have given money to support ministries and organizations that rescue and aid victims of trafficking, there are staff members in the US Department of Justice and law enforcement agencies who have worked for years now preparing reports and doing the background work essential to understanding the issue of trafficking in the US and finding the victims, there are those who recognise that something is not right and make a decision to report something that might be trafficking. And somewhere there are people with a passion to pray diligently that God will bring justice to those who are caught in injustice.

I was looking around on the Internet for some stories of ordinary people making a difference and came across the following report on the US Department of Justice web site titled TIP Report (2008) Heroes. The TIP is the trafficking in persons report that the Justice Department puts out annually. Enjoy.


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